The lotto draw took place on Monday last, December 6th in O’Reilly’s Bar, Drumlish. The Jackpot was €5,000. The numbers drawn were as follows:
1, 4, 6, 25
There was no winner. The Jackpot is now €5,200. The three €50 winners were:
Francis Courtney, Drumlish Hill
Paddy O’Neill, Brocklagh
Derek McCormack, Gaigue
The next draw will take place on Monday, December 20th in Cassidy’s Olde Village Inn, Drumlish. As this draw is for Christmas there will be loads of extra prizes as well as our now annual sellers prize draw. Thank you to all who continue to support our lotto. Please download for free and play on our Clubspot app or at the below link making sure to select the Fr Manning Gaels lotto. Physical envelopes are available from the usual sellers & locations.
Please note we have added a great new feature to the Clubspot webpage which allows you to make your lotto purchase automatically recur each week. Just tick the box after picking your numbers and never worry about missing a draw again!
The club extends its deepest sympathy to Martha and Mark Duffy on the passing of Martha’s father Frank O’Reilly recently. We extend our condolences to Benny Ledwith and the Mollaghan family on the passing of Julia Kiernan (née Mollaghan) in Athlone last week. Solas na bhFlaitheas orthu.
Club Membership
Club Membership for the forthcoming year is now available. The cost is €50 for adults and €40 for students/OAPs. Membership is required for all playing members. Membership entitles you to attend monthly club meetings and if received before March 31st, entitles you to a vote at next year’s AGM and entry into the draw for All Ireland tickets. To pay please contact Registrar, Bridie Reilly or through the Clubspot app.
Get Well Soon
The club would like to wish one of our all-time great clubmen Pat Corrigan all the best in his recuperation at this time. We look forward to seeing you out and about again soon
Annual Convention
Congratulations to our Secretary Lorraine Corrigan on being elected Irish Language and Cultural Office at Longford GAA’s Annual Convention last week. Congratulations also to our Chairman Mike Mulleady on his re-election as Club Development/Health & Safety Officer. We wish you both the very best of luck in your respective roles for 2022.
Our lotto draw was held last night in O’Reilly’s Bar, Drumlish. The Jackpot was €5,000. The numbers drawn were as follows:
The lotto draw took place on Monday last, December 6th in O’Reilly’s Bar, Drumlish. The Jackpot was €5,000. Results are currently on the club website and social media and will be published in next week’s notes. Thank you to all who continue to support our lotto. Please download for free and play on our Clubspot app or at the below link making sure to select the Fr Manning Gaels lotto. Physical envelopes are available from the usual sellers & locations.
The club extends its deepest sympathy to the family and friends of Mary Ellen Corr (née Clarke, Kilnashee) who passed away recently. Solas na bhFlaitheas uirthi.
Hard luck to our U19 St. Vincent’s/Grattan Gaels amalgamation who were well beaten by Granard in the B semi-final at the weekend. Thank you to the squad and management team of Emmet Noonan, Pauric Gill and Jimmy Ruske for their efforts over the last number of weeks
Club Membership
Club Membership for the forthcoming year is now available. The cost is €50 for adults and €40 for students/OAPs. Membership is required for all playing members. Membership entitles you to attend monthly club meetings and if received before March 31st, entitles you to a vote at next year’s AGM and entry into the draw for All Ireland tickets. To pay please contact Registrar, Bridie Reilly or through the Clubspot app.
Annual General Meeting
Our AGM was held last Friday, November 26th in Monaduff. Secretary Lorraine Corrigan gave out a comprehensive report on the events of the year gone by and Treasurer Stephen McDermott outlined the Income & Expenditure for 2021 in his report. Chairman Mike Mulleady expressed his gratitude to the outgoing committee and all those who supported the club in any way during the year. The officers elected for 2022 were as follows:
Presidents: Fr. Bernard Hogan, Jimmy Breslin, Arnold Meagher, Jimmy Courtney, Mary Gillooley, Packie Gorman and Pat Flynn
Chairman: Michael Mulleady.
Vice Chairman: Séamus Gallagher.
Secretary: Lorraine Corrigan.
Assistant Secretary: Podge Gill
Treasurer: Stephen McDermott.
Assistant Treasurer: Betty Creegan, Von Corrigan & Kathleen Brady.
PRO: Pauric Gill.
Registrar: Bridie Reilly.
County Board Delegates: Séamus Noonan, Paul Dowler, Pat Donnelly & Pakie Duffy.
Sub-Delegate: JP Murphy.
Insurance Officer: Paul Dowler.
Development Officers: Thomas Gill, Brian Duffy, Dessie Connell, JP Murphy & Pat Corrigan.
Irish Officer: Michael Lennon.
Club Health & Well Being Officer: Darren Smith.
Children’s Welfare Officer: Dessie Connell
Scór Co-Ordinator: Lorraine Corrigan & Von Corrigan
Events Controller/Safety Officer: Paddy O’Neill
Junior Team Manager: Darren Smith, Graham Lee and Séamus Gallagher.
The annual club awards were also decided on the day.
Senior Player of the Year: Aiden Gray
Young Player of the Year: Cian Murphy
Club Personality of the Year: Lorraine Corrigan
Well done to all the award winner on their well-deserved accolades.
After the election of officers and awards, the floor was opened for any other business before Chairman Mike Mulleady closed the meeting with a prayer for deceased members of the club.
The club would like to welcome all the new members on board and also express a big thank you to all the committee members who stepped down after their years of hard work and service. The club would also like to wish the new committee all the best for the coming year.
Get Well Soon
The club would like to wish our former chairman and player Mícheál Joyce a speedy recovery following his recent operation. We look forward to seeing you out and about again soon. Go bhfága Dia do shláinte agat, a Mhíchíl.
Well done to St. Helen’s legend Liam Forde on being awarded Sports Volunteer of the Year for 2021 by the Irish Sports Association. This is an incredible achievement and thoroughly deserved considering the 40+ years of dedication Liam has given to Éire Óg/St. Helen’s and Longford LGFA and is still giving to this day through his coaching of St. Helen’s underage teams and the Gaelic for Mothers & Others
The lotto draw took place on Monday last, November 22nd in Quinn’s Bar, Drumlish. The Jackpot was €4,800. The numbers drawn were as follows:
1, 4, 6, 25
There was no winner. The Jackpot is now €5,000. The three €50 winners were:
Darren Smith, Drumlish x2
Aaron Griffin, Clondra
The next draw will take place on Monday, December 6th in O’Reilly’s Bar, Drumlish. Thank you to all who continue to support our lotto. Please download for free and play on our Clubspot app or at the below link making sure to select the Fr Manning Gaels lotto. Physical envelopes are available from the usual sellers & locations.
We extend our sincere sympathy to Séamus Campbell, Clonmacart, on the passing of his wife Kathleen (née Smyth) at the weekend. Solas na bhFlaitheas uirthi
Well done to our St. Vincent’s/Grattan Gaels amalgamation and their management team of Emmet Noonan, Pauric Gill and Jimmy Ruske on qualifying for the semi final of the B championship. They play Granard this Sunday morning in Higginstown at 11am. Best of luck.
Club Membership
Club Membership for the forthcoming year is now available. The cost is €50 for adults and €40 for students/OAPs. Membership is required for all playing members and for use of the gym. Membership entitles you to attend monthly club meetings and if received before March 31st, entitles you to a vote at next year’s AGM and entry into the draw for All Ireland tickets. To pay please contact Registrar, Bridie Reilly or through the Clubspot app.
The lotto draw took place on Monday last, November 22nd in Quinn’s Bar, Drumlish. The Jackpot was €4,800. Results are currently on club social media and website and will be published in next week’s notes. Thank you to all who continue to support our lotto. Please download for free and play on our Clubspot app or at the below link making sure to select the Fr Manning Gaels lotto. Physical envelopes are available from the usual sellers & locations.
Walking Track
Our floodlights and walking lights are now fully finished on the training pitch. The walkway lights will be on every evening over Winter, from 6pm-10pm for public use. Well done to all involved in developing this great facility
Annual General Meeting
This year’s AGM will take place this Friday, November 26th at the earlier time of 7.30pm in Monaduff.
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