St. Helen's Club Notes

Posted by admin on August 28, 2017

Latest News – 21-03-2016

Senior team: Our Seniors got off to a great start in division 2 with a comprehensive victory over Ballymore last Sunday in Monaduff. The final score was Fr. Manning Gaels 4-17, Ballymore 0-7.

Gaels Team: Paddy Collum, Leon McKeon, Cian Brady, Derek McCormack, JP Farley, Aaron Quinn, Mark Duffy 1-0, Kevin Whelan 0-2, David Collum 0-1, Emmet Noonan 0-2, Darren Farley 1-1, Ciaran Cooney, Martin Cassidy 1-7, David Cassidy, Pete Collum 1-1, Fergal Reilly, Eoin Keane, Sean Whelan 0-2, Dylan Quinn 0-1, Nigel Kiernan,

Meeting: The club will hold an executive meeting on Thursday night next 24th March at 8.30 followed by a club meeting at 9.30. Please attend.

Fixtures: Check fixture list for details of up-coming matches.

Posted by admin on August 28, 2017

Lotto – Jackpot €7000 – No Winner – 4th March 2016

Lotto draw. There was no jackpot winner in the club lotto draw on Monday 14th March. The numbers drawn were 10, 23, 25 and 27.The following won prizes of €30.00 each : Maurice Murphy Ballinamuck, Maurice Murphy Ballinamuck, Bernie Noonan Monaduff, Ciarán Lennon Drumlish, Patsy and Ian Higgins Ballinamuck. Sellers prizes went to Team A and Gala Ballinamuck. Next draw will take place in Gally’s bar Drumlish on Monday night 28th. March. Jackpot  €7000.00.

Posted by admin on August 28, 2017

Latest News – 14-03-2016

National club draw: The draw took place on Friday last but fortune deserted us on this occasion. Thanks to those who sold tickets and to those who supported the draw.

Club membership: This is a final reminder to those who have not yet paid their membership to do so as soon as possible by contacting Bridie Reilly or any member of the club executive.

Club lotto draw: The results of the club lotto draw will  appear on the club website from now on along with club notes and details of other club activities etc. Thanks to Joseph Gill for taking over the updating of the site.
Upcoming Fixtures: Check fixture list for details of upcoming fixtures as we look forward to your support.
Posted by admin on August 28, 2017

Latest News – 07-03-2016

Lotto draw: There was no jackpot winner in the club lotto draw on Monday 29th February. The following won prizes of €30.00 each: Peter reilly co Tom Toole, Karen Gill Corrick Drumlish, Liam Forde Drumlish, Ciarán McCabe Aughavas Co. Leitrim, and Tom Cassidy Drumlish. Sellers prizes went to Team B and Packie Duffy. Next draw will take place in Dillons bar Ballinamuck on Monday night next  14th. March. Jackpot is €7000.00.

Club membership: The club membership subscription for the year is now due. Please contact Bridie Reilly or any of the club executive to pay same.

Reserve league: We were unable to fulfil the reserve league fixture at the week-end due to unforeseen circumstances. Apologies to supporters and to opponents Abbeylara.

Senior Challenge Match
Fr. Manning Gaels 1-8 Abbeylara 0-13
FMG Team Aiden Gray, Micky Kelly, Aaron Quinn, Derek McCormack, JP Farley, Leon McKeon, Mark Duffy, Pauric Gill, Kevin Whelan, Dean Cosgrove, Darren Farley 1-1, Emmet Noonan 0-1 , Martin Cassidy 0-06 , David Cassidy, Petie Collum, Sean Whelan, Nigel Kiernan, Robbie Rehill, Stephan Cosgrove, Dylan Quinn, Eoin OHara.

National Club Draw: Thanks to all those who purchased tickets in the draw as this helps to generate funds for the club. The draw will take place on Friday next 11th. March so good luck to everyone.

Posted by admin on August 28, 2017

Match Report – Template

Lorem Ipsum adalah contoh teks atau dummy dalam industri percetakan dan penataan huruf atau typesetting. Lorem Ipsum telah menjadi standar contoh teks sejak tahun 1500an, saat seorang tukang cetak yang tidak dikenal mengambil sebuah kumpulan teks dan mengacaknya untuk menjadi sebuah buku contoh huruf. Ia tidak hanya bertahan selama 5 abad, tapi juga telah beralih ke penataan huruf elektronik, tanpa ada perubahan apapun. Ia mulai dipopulerkan pada tahun 1960 dengan diluncurkannya lembaran-lembaran Letraset yang menggunakan kalimat-kalimat dari Lorem Ipsum, dan seiring munculnya perangkat lunak Desktop Publishing seperti Aldus PageMaker juga memiliki versi Lorem Ipsum.


Lorem Ipsum adalah contoh teks atau dummy dalam industri percetakan dan penataan huruf atau typesetting. Lorem Ipsum telah menjadi standar contoh teks sejak tahun 1500an, saat seorang tukang cetak yang tidak dikenal mengambil sebuah kumpulan teks dan mengacaknya untuk menjadi sebuah buku contoh huruf. Ia tidak hanya bertahan selama 5 abad, tapi juga telah beralih ke penataan huruf elektronik, tanpa ada perubahan apapun. Ia mulai dipopulerkan pada tahun 1960 dengan diluncurkannya lembaran-lembaran Letraset yang menggunakan kalimat-kalimat dari Lorem Ipsum, dan seiring munculnya perangkat lunak Desktop Publishing seperti Aldus PageMaker juga memiliki versi Lorem Ipsum.