St. Helen's Club Notes

Posted by admin on August 28, 2017

Lotto – 24-01-2017 – No Winner – Jackpot €4600

There was no winner of the lotto jackpot, the draw for which was held in Cassidy’s Olde Village Inn on 24th January. The numbers drawn were: 5, 6, 12, 15. The five €30 winners were as follows:

  • Ann Kiernan, Smear Road, Aughnacliffe.
  • John Corrigan, New York.
  • Philip Mullins, Ballinamuck.
  • James O’Neill, Drumlish.
  • Kevin Cooney, Barraghmore.

The sellers prizes were as follows:

  • James O’Neill/Robert Rehill
  • Petie Collum/Eoin O’Hara

The next draw takes place on February 6th in O’Reilly’s Bar Drumlish. Jackpot is €4,600. Tickets are available from the usual outlets and also from any member of the club executive.

Posted by admin on August 28, 2017

Latest News – 23-01-2017

Club Membership: Club membership is now available for the coming year. The fee is €30 for Adults and €15 for Students. Please contact Registrar Bridie Reilly if you would like to become a member.

Club Meeting: There will be a club meeting for all members this Wednesday 25th January at 9:30pm in Monaduff. Please attend.

Annual Club Social: The Fr Manning Gaels and St Helen’s Annual Social is on February 4th in the Olde Village Inn Drumlish. Tickets are €10 each and these can be purchased from committee members. Food will be served on the night and music is by Frank Feery. A number of presentations will be made including those of the Division 2 and Patsy Reilly Cup medals to our senior team.

New Arrival: Congratulations to Donie McLoughlin and his fiancée Debra on the recent birth of their daughter.

Longford U21s: Well done to Frank McNamee and his U21 squad on beating Leitrim to reach the Hastings Cup final. They now face Meath in the final this Friday the 28th in Clonguish at 8pm, and all at the club wish them the very best of luck.

National Club Draw: The club is participating in this year’s National GAA Club Draw. Tickets cost €10 and are available from any member of the senior team or executive. There are some fantastic prizes on offer such as the top prize, a brand new Opel Corsa. Your support would be greatly appreciated.

St. Vincent’s AGM: Fr. Manning Gaels would like to wish the best of luck to the new minor board executive and also thank the previous executive for their determination and dedication last year. Your hard work for the underage of the parish is greatly appreciated.

Club Players Association: The Club Players Association (CPA) was launched this month with the aim of addressing the number of issues which are adversely affecting clubs across the country. This association is not just for players alone, but also coaches, club officers and supporters. Registration is free and easy. Please do so by going to

Lotto: The lotto draw will be held in Cassidy’s Olde Village Inn on Monday, January 23rd. The jackpot is €4,400. Details of the results will be on next week’s notes and will be published on when available. Tickets are available from the usual outlets and members of the executive.

Senior Training: Senior training continues as normal this week. All levels are welcome to attend.

Code of Ethics: Please be advised that a Code of Ethics Course takes place on Wednesday, February 8th in Glennon Brothers Pearse Park commencing at 7 p.m. Numbers are limited so Booking in Advance is required. A course fee of €10 is applicable. Please call the County Board Office on 043 33 45219.

This course is a mandatory requirement for all those working with underage persons.

Now is also an ideal time to check that everyone is Garda Vetted under the GAA – please note that vetting in the workplace does not carry over to the GAA. Clubs having non Garda Vetted Persons involved in Underage teams are committing an offence in law.

Full details on the GAA Garda EVetting system are available on

Contact: If anyone has any information they would like included in the club notes please contact PRO Pauric Gill on 0864132313.

Posted by admin on August 28, 2017

Latest News 16-01-2017



Our annual general meeting was held last Saturday, January 14th in Monaduff. There was a large crowd in attendance which was great to see. Secretary Lorraine Corrigan gave a comprehensive report on the events of the previous year and Treasurer Stephen McDermott outlined the Income & Expenditure for 2016 in his report. Chairman Packie Duffy then expressed his gratitude to the outgoing committee and all those who supported the club in any way during the year. Packie congratulated the senior team and management on winning promotion back to Division 1 and also the Divison 2 and Patsy Reilly Cups. The officers elected for 2017 were as follows:

  • Presidents: Fr. Bernard Hogan, Jimmy Breslin, Frank McNamee, Jimmy Courtney, Mary Gilhooley and Jimmy Mimnagh.
  • Chairperson: Packie Duffy.
  • Vice Chairperson: Seamus Gallagher.
  • Secretary: Lorraine Corrigan.
  • Assistant Secretary: Pauline Corr.
  • Treasurer: Stephen McDermott.
  • Assistant Treasurer: Betty Creegan & Kathleen Brady.
  • Finance Sub Committee: Betty Creegan, Kathleen Brady, Pauric Gill, Ciaran Cooney & Stephen McDermott.
  • PRO: Pauric Gill.
  • Assistant PRO: Paul Dowler.
  • Registrar: Bridie Reilly.
  • County Board Delegates: Pat Corrigan, Paddy O’Neill, Pat Donnelly.
  • Sub-Delegate: Paraic Brady.
  • Insurance Officer: Frankie McGowan.
  • Development Officer: Thomas Gill.
  • Assistant Development Officer: Brian Duffy.
  • Irish Officer: Michael Lennon.
  • Club Health & Well Being Officer: Brendan Corrigan.
  • Children’s Welfare Officer: Ken Leonard.
  • Events Controller & Health & Safety Officer: Pat Donnelly, Martin Mulleady, Pete McWade & Padraic Davis.

The club would like to welcome all the new members on board and also express a big thank you to all the committee members who stepped down after their years of hard work and service, in particular Johnny Cooney (Vice Chairperson) and Seán Lennon (PRO). The club would also like to wish the new committee all the best for the coming year.

The following awards were decided on the night:

  • Senior Player of the Year: David Collum
  • U/21 Player of the Year: Dean Cosgrave
  • Club Personality of Year : Lorraine Corrigan

Congratulations to all concerned on their well deserved accolades.

Club Membership

Club membership is now available for the coming year. The fee is €30 for Adults and €15 for Students. Please contact Registrar Bridie Reilly if you would like to become a member.

Annual Club Social

The Fr Manning Gaels and St Helen’s Annual Social is on February 4th in the Olde Village Inn Drumlish. Tickets are €10 each and these can be purchased from committee members. Food will be served on the night and music is by Frank Feery. A number of presentations will be made including those of the Division 2 and Patsy Reilly Cup medals to our senior team.

National Club Draw

The club is participating in this year’s National GAA Club Draw. Tickets cost €10 and are available from any member of the senior team or executive. There are some fantastic prizes on offer such as the top prize, a brand new Opel Corsa. Your support would be greatly appreciated.

St. Vincent’s AGM

The minor club’s AGM is being held on Sunday January 22nd at 2pm in Monaduff. We would like to see as many people as possible turning out and supporting the great work that is going on at underage level in the parish.

Club Players Association

The Cub Players Association (CPA) was launched this month with the aim of addressing the number of issues which are adversely affecting clubs across the country. This association is not just for players alone, but also coaches, club officers and supporters. Registration is free and easy. Please do so by going to


The next lotto draw will be held in the Olde Village Inn on Monday January 23rd. The jackpot is €4,400. Tickets are available from the usual outlets and members of the executive.


If anyone has any information they would like included in the club notes please contact PRO Pauric Gill on 086 413 2313.

Posted by admin on August 28, 2017

Latest News – 12-09-2016

Senior team:  Congratulations to our senior team and management on defeating Ballymore to win   the Patsy Reilly cup on Saturday evening last.  The team were also presented with the Michael  Moran cup as winners of division 2 league. Team : Paddy Collum Derek McCormack Cian Brady Michael Kelly Mark Duffy Leon McKeon Aaron Quinn Dylan Quinn Pauric Gill Ciaran Cooney Dean Crosgrove Eoin Keane Petie Collum David Collum and Martin Cassidy. Subs used : Emmet Noonan Darren Farrelly and David Cassidy.

Church gate collection: The annual church gate collection for the club will take place next weekend so your contribution would be much appreciated.

Congratulations: Congrats to Mark and Martha Duffy on the birth of baby son John.

Sympathy: The club extends it’s sympathy to Anthony and Nora Mulleady on the death of Nora’s brother Paddy recently.

Posted by admin on August 28, 2017

Lotto – 12-09-2016 – Jackpot €2800 – No Winner

There was no jackpot winner in the club lotto draw on Monday 12th Sept. The numbers drawn were 5, 10, 13 and 29. The following won prizes of  €30.00 each: Seamus Noonan Monaduff, Brian Griffin Clooncumber, Ray Noonan Edgeworthstown, Brian Courtney Cloonmacart and Kevin Cooney Breanrisk. Sellers prizes Jimmy Courtney and Liam Forde. Next draw in the ’98 Bar on Mon. 26th. Sept. Jackpot €2,800.00. Thanks for your support.