Club News 15-12-2024

County Convention 

Pride of place this week goes to our tireless Chairman Mike Mulleady on his election as Vice-Chairman of Longford County Board. He was elected on the first count, with 44 votes. This is a great honour for Mike, his family and the club. Congratulations to our Secretary Lorraine Corrigan on her re-election as Irish Language and Culture Officer. We wish the new Chairman Derek Fahy and the committee the very best of luck for 2025. 

Senior Manager 

At an Executive meeting on Friday evening last Trevor Clendenning was ratified as the senior team manager for 2025 along with Paddy McKeon, Graham Lee and Liam Lynch. Trevor needs no introduction as a footballer as he was a key figure in Longford Slashers’ last three Senior Championship wins and he represented the county at all levels. We wish him, his backroom team and the panel of players the very best of luck for next year. 



The lotto draw took place in The Mill Bar, Drumlish on Monday last, December 9th. The Jackpot was €2,400. The numbers drawn were as follows: 

1, 13, 14, 16 

There was no winner. The Jackpot is now €2,600! 

The three €50 winners were: 

Geraldine Beirne 

Orla Conaghan 

Jimmy Connor 

The next draw will take place in O’Reilly’s Bar, Drumlish on Monday, December 23rd. Please play again on Clubspot by selecting the Fr Manning Gaels option or from the usual ticket sellers. 

Our Club: The Fr Manning Gaels Story 

The Gaels history book can be purchased in Seamus Kane’s, Whitney’s, Kiernan’s, Drumlish Post Office and the shop in Ballinamuck or by contacting Pauric directly, particularly if you want it posted. The book costs €50. There are also a limited number of special hardback copies of the book available. Please contact Pauric directly if you would like one. These books cost €60. 


The date, December 27th, for our ‘Night at the Oskars’ event, kindly sponsored by Maplewood Residential, is fast approaching. Tickets cost €30 and can be purchased from any member of the executive.  

St Stephen’s Day 

The club is hosting a charity walk on St Stephen’s Day in aid of Mary’s Meals. The walk will take place from Monaduff towards Gaigue Cross on the new walkway.  

Junior Player of the Year 

Congratulations to Aiden Gray who was deservedly named Junior Player of the Year and is the second winner of the Fergal Mulleady Perpetual Trophy.